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Effect of intravenous injection of heat shock protein 70 kDa on the temporal character-ristics of sleep-wake cycle in pigeons
Sechenov Institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry, RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Влияние внутривенного введения белка теплового шока 70кДа на временные характеристики цикла бодрствование-сон у голубей
К.В. Лапшина, И.В. Екимова
Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М.Сеченова, РАН,
Санкт-Петербург, Россия
The superfamily of heat shock proteins, particularly the Hsp 70 family, is known as the universal protective system of cell and organism. The laboratory of comparative termophysiology established that the central microinjections of Hsp 70 liberated from endotoxin lipopolysaccaride (LPS) evoke a marked increase in the total time of non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) because of the increase in episode duration in pigeons and rats (Pastukhov et al., 2004; Hudik, 2004). It is unclear what effect can peripheral (intravenous) injection of Hsp 70 have on sleep patterns? The goal of this investigation is to study effect of intravenous injection of Hsp 70 on the temporal characteristics of sleep-wake cycle and to compare it with the effects of central microinjections of Hsp 70 in pigeons.
The investigation was carried out on freely moving pigeons (Columba livia). Exogenous Hsp 70 was injected intravenously (20 μg/1.5 ml) 4 hours before the dark phase. Hsp 70 was obtained and liberated from the LPS at the Institute of Cytology RAS (Guzhova et al., 1998). Electrophysiological parameters (electroencephalogramm, electrooculogramm and electromyogramm) were recorded during 12-24 h using a computer system [Rashotte et al., 1998]
It has been shown that the intravenous injection of Hsp 70 decreased the total time of wake (as a result of a decrease in episode duration) and increased the total time of NREMS (because of an increase in episode number). This effect was observed within 4 hours after the injection. Thus, peripheral injection of Hsp 70, as well as central microinjection, evoked changes in the sleep-wake cycle. But there were some distinctions between these effects. Firstly, peripheral injection of Hsp 70 produced less prolonged but more considerable increase in total time of NREMS and a decrease in total time of wake. Secondly, the total time of NREMS after peripheral injection was increased as a result of rise in the episode number, while NREMS total time after the central injection was risen because of increase both number and duration of the episodes. Finally, the total time of wake induced by intravenous injection of Hsp 70 was reduced as the result of a decrease in episode duration, but the central injection caused a decrease in the wake total time as the result of a decrease in both number and duration of its episodes. The study was supported by RFRF (grant № 03-03-33024)
Сведение об авторе
Лапшина Ксения Валерьевна, год рожд. 1983
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный университет, , студентка 5 курса, биолого-почвенный факультет, кафедра общей физиологии
Институт эволюционной физиологии им. И.М. Сеченова, РАН
Должность – старший лаборант-исследователь
Адрес – Санкт-Петербург, 194017, ул. Дрезденская, д.20, кв. 21
дом. тел. 554-26-04
e-mail – ksenja@land.ru