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Changes in temporal characteristics of sleep-wake cycle under central and peripheral microinjections of Hsp 70 kDa
K.A. Hudik
Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: kirik82@mail.ru
Изменение временных характеристик цикла сон-бодрствование под влиянием центральных и периферических микроинъекций БТШ 70 кДа
К.А. Худик
Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М. Сеченова, РАН, СПб, Россия
Now molecular mechanisms of protective action of heat shock proteins (HSP) at a cell level are known. HSP prevents accumulation of defective proteins and their aggregation and protects cells (including neurons CNS) from various kinds of stress [Margulis, Guzhova, 2000, Kelty et al., 2002, Giffard et al, 2004]. Effects of natural Hsp70 on physiological functions of the whole organism are investigated only in laboratory comparative thermophysiology IEPHB, RAS.
A task of the present investigation - studying of states of sleep and wakefulness after the central and peripheral injections of exogenous Hsp70 at pigeons (Columba livia) and Wistar rats. In research 2 exogenous preparations Hsp70 - containing lipopolysaccaride (LPS) (up to 4 ng/mg of protein) (1-Hsp), and liberated from LPS (2-Hsp) were used. Preparations were injected is central (in 3-rd ventricle a brain) and peripheral (intranasal and intravenously). Registration of EEG, EOG and EMG was carried out during 12-24 hrs.
At the central microinjections of a preparation 2-Hsp (1,5 mkg) to rats and pigeons were observed a decrease in the total time (TT) of wakefulness and rapid eyes movement sleep (REMS), and also an increase in the TT of Non REMS at the first hour of registration. An increase in Non REMS at rats has been more expressed, than at pigeons. An increase in Non REMS is connected mainly to increase in episodes duration. In a decrease in the TT of wakefulness and REMS bring the contribution reduction of duration and number of episodes of these states. Intravenous injection of a preparation 1-Hsp (25 mkg) to pigeons evoked prevalence of wakefulness at the first hours; in 5-7 hours the tendency to increase in the TT of Non REMS was marked. After intranasal injection of a preparation 2-Hsp (on 5 mkg from the left and right side, twice, with an interval of 30 min) the tendency to increase in the TT of Non REMS in 5-9 hours was observed. However reliable changes in states of sleep and wakefulness in comparison with the control it is not revealed.
Long latensy period an increase in Non REMS after intravenous injection Hsp70, contaminated LPS, is connected, apparently, with somnogenic action of proinflammatory cytokines. An increase in Non REMS observed after microinjections of preparation Hsp70, liberated from LPS, confirms to presence at Hsp70 own somnogenic effect which is shown only after the central injection of a preparation. The study was supported by RFRF (grant 03-03-33034)
Худик Кирилл Александрович
Год рождения 1982
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, биолого-почвенный факультет, кафедра общей физиологии.
Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М. Сеченова, РАН, СПб, Россия
Студент, 5-й курс
196191 С-Петербург, ул. Краснопутиловская д. 90, кв. 69
тел. 344-04-98
e-mail: kirik82@mail.ru